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Saturday, January 8, 2011

I Think I'd Like to Fight.

There are two things that I am absolutely scared of failure and…failure. I don’t know why or since when.

I think I’m probably scared of not able to make my dreams come true or that I’ll disappoint people who think I’m capable of doing something great in life.That’s because there is always a possibility that things will go wrong and no matter how hard you worked on building that big castle, the waves are going to bring it back to the ground. It’s depressing and very disturbing to know that in a flash of a second everything that we ever worked on can just go down the drain!

My point here is, what should we do, by ‘we’ I mean scared people like mee. Should we just sit at home scared of doing anything at all or should we go out there and build a castle strong enough that the water won’t be able to perish it?

I think if given a choice between standing in a corner and seeing someone do something great, or going out there, fighting my fears and making my dreams come true, I would always choose the latter, because that is what will make mee happy, to see myself work hard, to see my self achieve something, to see myself become the person I want to.

I think I would like to fight, fight every fear, fight every obstacle, fight every difficulty and fight every failure.

So in the end I’ll be happy with where I’ll be standing, because I would know that I worked hard and did everything to be there, at the top! =)


Pooja said...

You're right. Only when you TRY to build that castle will you be able to see how it looks, right? Between fighting and submitting, I know fighting is what Ramma Pande would opt for. And that's exactly what makes you the special person you are. :)

Ramma said...

awww...thank you pooj! =)