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Thursday, December 16, 2010

Crazzzy Lady and the Pigeon!!

It happens every time, and when I say every time I mean EVERY SINGLE time!!! Every time I decide that ‘Ok, today I’m going to sit and study’, I always get distracted! Sometimes its Movies, some times its TV sometimes a book, or of course Facebook!! And you know what distracted me today? A pigeon! A Bloody Pigeon!! I mean come on, these birds are really annoying, first of all they always come in to your house from somewhere or the other, usually it the terrace, which I can bare with, but it’s really annoying when it comes into My room and goes and sits on My cupboard while I’m Sitting in the room, I mean I’m Sitting RIGHT THERE and it STILL comes in!! I mean you think it wont have the guts to come inside when you are in the room and so you keep the window open, but Noooo it comes right inside and once it comes and sees mee freak out, then gets scared of mee and flutters all around the room till I scream my ass off and run out of the room and then it finally finds the window and struggles to get out, , there is so much of panic and running and urgency in this process that I actually am laughing and screaming at the same time because its so funny that both of us are scared of each other, poor little thing, that pigeon, I’m sure it hurts itself like crazy while trying to get out of my room as quickly as possible!

You think it’ll stop coming after this happens like 3-4 times but Nooo, it keeps coming again and again and AGAIN!!!! The worst part is I can’t really do anything about it, and sometimes I… Oooohhhhh…..Ooohhhh…its entered again….yikes…....aaaaaaaaaaa...

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Life as I Know It


I thought and thought and thought and finally came to the conclusion that I might as well start with telling everyone about my life and about myself, about the things i love and like.And as for the things i dont like lets leave that for later...

I was in boarding school for 6 years of my life(and that is a loott), a fact that I'm immensely proud of because those were the best years of my life and also made mee the person I am today. These were not the easiest years of my life, but I have learnt and developed so much that I’m truly grateful to have lived in a boarding! I met some amazing people during these six years, made some life-long friends who I absolutely love and I also met some not so nice people, but I’m glad I met them because they helped mee realize the difference between good and bad, right and wrong. I had a blast in school, we (that will be my roomies and myself) did everything we thought we were incapable of and that includes both good and bad things. We broke rules, we did things we ware told not to do, for instance something like trying to break into the store room in the middle of the night, and surprisingly, with some difficulty though, we all got our way out of all the mess!

But I also did some things, good things, I thought I could have never done if it wasn't for my amazing teachers who were so tolerant and encouraging. I gave speeches, and compared the entire annual show, it was a wonder I didn't faint. Ooh did I mention, I also became the captain of Blue House,and was in the school choir,but i wonder why they took mee into the choir, i'm a horrible singer! And I loved playing Hockey,it was my favorite game!!There are such fond memories of school days! I miss school so much sometimes I just want to go back in time and never come back!

I started Reading, something I started rather late in life but once I started I haven't been able to stop, I absolutely love books, there is nothing else in this world that makes mee more happy! My mom is scared to take mee to a book store because she’s scared I’ll spend all her money there!

There are so many wonderful things a book can teach you, and it introduces you to this whole new world and it accepts you just the way you are, no strings attached!

When it comes to books there are certain things I believe in

One – You don't choose the book, the book chooses you. I feel that a book knows itself well and it also knows who its readers are, and it very beautifully draws its readers towards it, a book chooses its readers , has it ever happened to you that you went to the store thinking about a particular book and ended up buying something else, because there was ‘just something about the book that you couldn't let go of’? If yes, then theres the proof to what i'm saying!!

Two – There is always a deeper meaning to any book, there is something more to the book than its main subject, something that is hidden, something that you have to understand by reading in between the lines. Because I think writing is the most un-interruptive way to get your thoughts across, and when a writer does that it is bound to have many layers to it!

There is one thing I promise, your book will always love you, no matter what!